As I attempt to bring everyone up to date, please excuse the rather random assortment of information in the next few posts. . .
Well, Martin successfully managed to get my computer fixed -for FREE!! Now I have no excuse as to why I cannot post. . . I was so pleased to have my computer back with its brand new screen. Thanks to the encouragement of Julia and also a guy in a computer fix-it shop, I encouraged Martin to see if he could work his magic and return the computer to the Mac Store even though it is 3.5 years old and quite beyond its warrantee. He said himself- "I am Martin Elfert, I can return a half licked lollipop"!! We are both mightily pleased at the outcome.

September has been really wonderful here in Berkeley. We have been enjoying days that have been a bit too hot for me at times. I seek shelter inside as I can't stand the idea of getting too hot. Unfortunately the kids have colds which has meant that for the past week we haven't gone swimming. We did go to Lake Anza Wednesday and they did immerse themselves very happily.

We went with our friends Sylvia and her girls Alexandra and Johanna. It is amazing to see what a year will do to a baby! Johanna is 15 months old now and is really keeping up with the big kids in her own way. She is super cute!

Sylvia has been ordained to the transitional deaconate and is now the head of the ministry for Families and Children at St. Gregory's of Nissa in San Francisco. It is a great job for her and they are very lucky to have her. She is full of awesome ideas. Gran Farmer would be so happy to see her breaking down the age barriers in parishes.

We have already been out of town since coming back here. We went on the Parish retreat of All Souls where Martin is doing his field placement again this year. It was at Bishop's Ranch - an Episcopal Camp, Retreat and Conference Center. It was a wonderful retreat from Berkeley and it was great to see its structure and programming as compared to Sorrento Centre! We camped in our tent and borrowed another tent for the kids! The kids loved the pool and the activities the parish had for the younger set!

Martin was one of 5 seminarians/priests leading work-shops on different forms of prayer. I lead an ABM workshop that 20+ people came to. Crazy! I have offered to give an ABM class at All Souls and many people were really interested in that possibility. I have yet to hammer out the details with the parish but i have some ideas brewing about what sort of format it will take. I am seeing it as a great opportunity to develop a course for use at Sorrento in the years to come!! The Angel Band (the parish's bluegrass band to which I belong) was busy jamming at the camp too which was very fun - although it was more apparent to me than ever that all the songs are the same. . . .
the beautiful chapel at Bishop's ranch |
In Other News....
I was invited by my friend Amy (who is doing the ABM training with me and who lives in Oakland) if I would like to observe her son Cypress' ABM lesson with our master teacher Marcy. I was so pleased to be asked and to get to spend a little time with Amy. The lesson was AWESOME and makes me all the more interested in doing this work.
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