When we moved December 1st I had no idea how much of a marathon life would be for two months. I feel like I am actually able to breathe today although the two months are not quite over yet.
Now I can create a list of all the things I have accomplished since moving here...
~Travel with Mimi and Timo on Amtrak to Spokane- arriving in the middle of the night, waking up my 4 year old to get off the train, schlep baggage, get a taxi, arrive at our new home.
~"host" a meeting/pancake lunch for families from the cathedral on the 3rd of December. By "host" I mean "hide in my room". Luckily our friend Katie came to visit us from Portland and was able to keep watch of Ami and Mimi. All over a tremendously overwhelming "welcome" to Spokane. I am not even sure if I am over it yet.
~Mimi's birthday was on the 5th. Luckily I had the presence of mind to do the preparations (acquiring presents) before we left Canada.... Katie's presence made it a real celebration.
~Ami entered public school and I found a school willing to take Mimi (just newly 5). Only drag is that it means driving to drop off and pick up every day. (Biggest challenge was when the snows arrived in January. . . . )
~In December I had one week of school for both kids (aka childcare) so in that time was more able to make Christmas happen and to make sure that Santa knew that we were now living in Spokane.
~I had to find a chest of drawers for the kids. Bought one from a 2nd hand/vintage place. Actually it was the second one (from the same store) which I participated in heaving on to our roof-rack. I hadn't seen the one I eventually bought until the first one was already on the car. I think this is recommended activity for 6 weeks c-section postpartum right?!
~Put the two kids into 2 days of "winter camp" at the YMCA in the week before Christmas when they were already on break from school. This ushered in slightly more sanity than would have been available if they had been home every day that week.
~I had to watch 9 days of training (segment 2 of my ABM Children's Mastery) by DVD. No small feet.
~Luckily Julia and Travis came to visit us at New Years so I was able to clean my bathrooms and the kids got LOTS of tickles (which they adored).
~January brought the push to find childcare for Timo while I was at my training at the end of Jan. Ultimately I found 6 caregivers for 9 days of training. The number of people I have to thank for leading me to these 6 wonderful people is HUGE!
~9 days at ABM training in San Rafael, staying in Berkeley with a different childcare arrangement almost every day. Exhausting.
~ Back in Spokane toured Helen and Frank (and 3 kids) to downtown Spokane (by bus!) to see the river/falls.
~today I restocked my fridge, found a storage solution for art supplies and made a yummy chicken dinner.
Tomorrow will bring more storage and sorting solutions as I get to tackle "moving in". Also I can start blogging about cute things that happen at my house. Enough of this martyrdom.
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