Saturday, August 11, 2012


Monday ended up being quite a bit quieter than last weekend's breathless pace. But because we didn't have planned activities the kids and I were at home and getting on each other's nerves by mid afternoon. We decided to take a walk. I had wanted to go to the grocery store and had unearthed our double stroller to make it possible to carry the groceries. Of course by the time we were organized to head out it was too late to walk all the way to the store and back before Ami needed to leave for his organ (piano) lesson. Grrr. Oh well, it was hot and we were bothered already. We decided to check out the house with the cute ducks (Peking Running Ducks-they stand up and are SOOO cute) that live in the yard. We had been there once before around Easter-time and met the girls that live there. I decided that I could ask to buy some duck eggs (if no other groceries) and we ended up having a lovely time meeting and playing with the two younger girls and I visiting with their dad. It was a much better arrangement than screaming at each other at home!
Those girls are home-schooled and are interested in having neighborhood friends. I hope it works out to hang out with them more.

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