Thursday, November 7, 2013


Tonight I went to a creative non-fiction class for mothers. It was held at the local community college and was a steal of a deal in terms of tuition. I gather the rate is highly subsidized for parenting programs. I feel lucky to benefit from such policies!
It was a 2.5 hour class led by 2 mothers who are heavily involved with the "Listen To Your Mother Spokane" presentation that has happened here for the last 3 years. The show is a wonderful opportunity to hear short essays about parenting (face-it, Mothering) from within the community.
My assignment for the class is to hand in a draft of an idea/essay on Sunday and at the next class the two leaders will return our piece of writing with their editing suggestions. I'm just a bit bummed that the class is only 2 sessions long. . .  I will be encouraging them to hold a longer class in the future. Since I have been thinking about this class and also LTYM quite a lot I am excited to send them an idea/essay. Luckily I have already begun my first draft on a certain topic but plan to write on some other ideas too. Anyone think this is a good idea?

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