Friday, October 29, 2010

are you a follower?

I am fascinated by what it takes to get people to "follow" your blog. I have 4 faithful followers but apparently many more people look at my blog- from all over the world!!
would YOU like to become a follower? ! :)


Caitlin said...

you need to add the widget that shows your followers. Your blog is hard to follow because it's hard to find the button to do it. :)

Sue said...

Hi Phoeb:
I'm a faithful follower, always have been! Your BLOG is well written, whimsical and funny too. Love you. Mum

Phoebe Elfert MacRae said...

ok i have 3 followers...!

music-mama-munich said...

i actually had technical trouble becoming a follower, it just somehow didn't work, but i finally managed to, as you can see! bridge

Phoebe Elfert MacRae said...

yay Bridge!! glad to see you here :)